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6 thoughts on “Tools

  1. jane says:

    I have recently been researching the use of the Tetragrammaton in the OT. My old KJV has it in only a few places. If there is one thing consistantly omitted from most modern Bible translations, it is the Divine Name. I was shocked to find that it appeared almost 7,000 times in the original manuscripts.
    Passages such as Exodus 3:15 and Psalm 83:18 are rendered meaningless without the use of the Divine Name.
    I have heard various arguments concerning the use of ‘Yahweh’ or ‘Jehovah’ but I am sure that the inventor of language would have no problem seeing his name rendered in whatever translation it was used in. To say that the Anglicized form is unacceptable is absurd. ‘Jesus’ is the Anglicized form of God’s Son’s name and no one has a problem with that. What human author would permit his personal name to be removed or replaced from his own work?
    Jesus said he came to make his Father’s name manifest. (John 17:6, 26) Why do Bible translators want to hide it?

  2. Jim Sayles says:

    In the letter to the Laodiceans the Lord uses the metaphor of “hot”, “cold”, and “lukewarm” in describing His concern for this church (or this “type” of church). Most today interpret “hot”, “cold”, and “lukewarm” as being degrees of passion and fervency for the Lord. However, an examination of His actual concerns and His instructions to “buy” gold refined by the fire, “buy” genuine righteousness, and “buy” the ability to “see” from Him indicates that we may have applied the wrong meaning to the metaphor “lukewarm”. Has anyone examined this issue in depth?

  3. Ken says:

    Freeware theWord is still a great choice. I have Logos (silver) and Wordsearch 11 but I use theWord most of the time. It is free, flexible, fast.

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